Monday, October 3, 2016


Illinibucks has the potential to be a very valuable asset to the students of Illinois. A flat currency that can cut in front of lines eliminates some of the frustration that comes with being one of 40,000 students at the University of Illinois. Knowing that all students receive the same amount of Illinibucks and there is a limit to how many lines you can cut, students' preferences will become known.

For me, Illinibucks would be most useful for buying/renting books. On many occasions, I have been unable to immediately purchase a book. Illinibucks could potentially be used to place books on reserve, essentially "cutting the line" entirely and ensuring that the student receives their books on time. In this case, the student places priority on their schoolwork as opposed to food etc. Bookstores could incentivize returning rentals on time through Illinibucks. Thereby saving both time and frustration for students.

Illinibucks could also be advantageous registering for classes. For students that have extended Advanced Placement credit or are James Scholars/Honors students, Illinibucks would not enhance their experience. Their registration period is already early enough that they can register and still obtain the classes/time periods they need. However, for an underclassman, much of the frustration and waiting could be removed by the process if they are able to cut the line of registration. Perhaps a student would be able to get a spot in a class a semester early, thus quickening their graduation pace. Similarly, a student would be able to register for a 12 p.m. section time for a class as opposed to 8 a.m. If the set price were set too high, many students would not be able skip the registration line unless they saved a significant portion of their currency. On the contrary, if the price is set too low, too many students would be leapfrogging the line. Consequently, the process of gaining AP credit and becoming James Scholar is slightly less of an incentive.

Illinois Sporting Events are an intriguing hypothetical use for Illinibucks. I get the sense that the majority of students are not as interested in cutting the lines of sporting events. Larger sporting venues like Memorial Stadium and the State Farm Center have a multitude of entrances so the incentive to skip those lines is not exceedingly high. If one entrance is crowded, it is more than likely that another entrance is not as crowded. For sporting events like baseball or hockey, students may be encouraged to use Illinibucks to get a quality seat to watch friends/peers compete. Knowing that they could have good seats to watch the game encourages greater participation from the student population and more than likely higher attendance.

I believe that Illinibucks could be useful at places like the Ike and PAR/FAR dining halls. Perhaps cutting the line to obtain a certain type of food before it runs out may be a reason Illinibucks would be used. Similarly, if a student is in a rush to eat Illinibucks would help the student get their food faster. The cost of this use of Illinibucks would have to be relatively low in order to be used. If the cost were high, the product (in this case: eating more quickly) more than likely would not be worth it.

Overall, I feel that Illinibucks would provide some incentive to campus. Faster registration, attending more sporting events, and enhanced book buying could all be potential effects. Although it would not drastically alter my lifestyle, I feel that Illinibucks could be advantageous for many other students.


  1. I also had a library example with regards to renting books and or cutting the line in order to get through the library lines faster. Although I do not believe the lines get too long with regards to books, perhaps that is just my perspective because most of my reading cause from EBooks. However, I am sure a large percentage of students who like to have hard copies would enjoy this policy.

    I do believe that these could work for sporting events, but the problem with our school is that nobody is too involved with the overall sports. Do you think this would work better on a different campus? Perhaps the University of Michigan or The Ohio State University, where the football teams are beloved by the entire university and alumni? I never lived in a dorm so I cannot relate to dining hall lines, however, I am sure like any large buffet lines do occur.

    Great post. You made some excellent points and I believe your post was very well written!

  2. very good point about using these bucks to cut the line when buying books. i completely forgot about how much of a painstaking process that is and how useful it would be to skip the line. do you think that everyone would try to use their bucks during this process with hopes to all cut the line and end up with everyone still waiting in line? this also deals with your point on sports games, if there was one sports game that everyone wanted to see, and they all used their bucks to cut the line there would the system break down?
